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 Properly Speaking(讓演講更出色)


Properly Speaking (part 1 of 4)讓演講更出色

So, youe going to give a speech. Feeling nervous? Well, youe normal. But by learning a few basics about public speaking, you can take the platform with confidence.
Any good speech begins with planning. The main part, the body, should contain two to five main ideas. Support these ideas with examples, statistics or personal stories that add life and warmth. But be careful not to wander too far from the main ideas.


Properly Speaking (part 2 of 4)讓演講更出色

With the body organized, you can think of an introduction. This should grab the listeners?attention. So you want it catchyut not corny. It wise not to try a joke that might fall flat. But a story with a little humor is usually safe. A more serious talk can begin with a quotation or a thoughtful question.
To end your speech, summarize the main ideas, and tie your conclusion to the introduction. That will give unity to the whole speech.


Properly Speaking (part 3 of 4)讓演講更出色

Audiences warm to speakers who talk and act naturally. On the platform, stand straight, yet relaxed. Use gestures when appropriate to help you communicate. Moving a bit will help you look and feel at ease.
Speak in a friendly, conversational tone. Rather than reading, use brief notes to help you remember key points. And don't rush! Give the audience time to absorb your ideas.


Properly Speaking (part 4 of 4)讓演講更出色

But how can you act naturally in front of an audience?
Believe it or not, the best cure for nervousness is preparation. Rehearsing will keep you from getting tongue-tied. Practice your speech several times. Check your posture and tone, too. When you finally take the platform, make eye contact with your audience. Seeing their interest will encourage you.
So, it's all organized, you're prepared, they're on the edge of their seats. Now go for it!

wh3n a 1itt1e b0y fa11  in l0v3 with a 10v31y 1ady...
Posted: 2005-03-21 18:15 | [楼 主]
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