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级别: 贵宾

精华: 0
发帖: 204
威望: 179 点
金钱: 200 静电币
支持度: 0 点


本帖被 diplomacy 执行锁定操作(2008-05-16)


I'm writting this letter to let you know there would be lack-of-time problem for the Chinese players in the first half of Febuary.

The Chinese traditional festival - the Spring Festival is coming(from 2th Feb to 18th Feb). Just like Christmas to the people from the western world, the Spring Festival plays a very important role in Chinese people's life and it would be the busiest time of a year for the Chinese.

Unfortunately, most of our DNWC players told me and Zhong(our captain) that it would be nearly imporssible for them to find time to spend on Diplomacy during the festival. And they will likely bother you to postpone the deadline depending on their own timetables.

So I was wondering if you would consider to adjust the deadlines accordingly, which would result in a 10-day-delay in nearly all the games where there are Chinese players.

However, I could give retreat and build orders for them during the retreat/build phase of 1905. So the delay would only happen in the spring 1906 phase.

Please let me know what you think on this issue.

Best regards,


No problem. Ask all the players concerned to send me a mail in the games in internal mailbox.
And to set their absence within the site (if not I would do it as site administrator).
Then I shall use this information as game master of games, but after 1st Feb should be ok.


Hello !

Your team captain mentioned to me this event, and the possibility that many of you may not be avaibale during this period.
2-16 February

Do not hesitate to let me know individually when you are not available.

Some arrangement can be made so that captain puts orders for one week and game is postponed for the other week (for instance).
Either send me an email, either use the internal mailbox system, as you wish.

Best regards


Posted: 2008-01-31 10:30 | [楼 主]
杀人游戏MVP大师勋章I 杀人游戏MVP勋章I
级别: 贵宾

精华: 0
发帖: 1391
威望: 1798 点
金钱: 16999 静电币
支持度: 0 点


Jeremie 发了个邮件,我回复了 :) Feb 2th-16th
Posted: 2008-01-31 20:33 | 1 楼
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